Source in Bazaar, building Debian source package format 3.0

John Szakmeister john at
Tue Dec 1 10:25:40 GMT 2009

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at> wrote:
> Howdy all,
> We have a useful ‘bzr-buildpackage’ program to take a Bazaar repository
> and build a Debian package. This has served me reasonably well with the
> Debian source format version 1.0.
> Now a change is coming: the long-fermenting Debian source formats
> version 3.0 <URL:> are now
> supported by the Debian package repositories.

Sorry for the off-topic question, but I'm interested in knowing more
about how the package formats work.  Is there a document somewhere
that states what the format of these are, and how they are
constructed?  I tried browsing the wiki, googling and other such
stuff, but didn't turn up anything that said what the actual contents
of one is.



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