Source in Bazaar, building Debian source package format 3.0

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Wed Nov 25 08:22:50 GMT 2009

Howdy all,

We have a useful ‘bzr-buildpackage’ program to take a Bazaar repository
and build a Debian package. This has served me reasonably well with the
Debian source format version 1.0.

Now a change is coming: the long-fermenting Debian source formats
version 3.0 <URL:> are now
supported by the Debian package repositories.

The move is now on to get the package-development tools up to speed with
the new formats, as discussed at
Unfortunately ‘bzr-buildpackage’ is listed as “Not tested yet”.

What can I expect if I try using ‘bzr-buildpackage’ on a code base
specified as Debian source format “3.0 (native)” or “3.0 (quilt)”? Has
anyone succeeded, or have war stories to tell?

 \        “The restriction of knowledge to an elite group destroys the |
  `\                   spirit of society and leads to its intellectual |
_o__)                                impoverishment.” —Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

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