[MERGE] Documentation fixes: whitespace, terminology

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Mon Nov 30 04:48:27 GMT 2009

2009/11/30 Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at benfinney.id.au>:
> Howdy all,
> I've addressed a couple of issues in the Bazaar documentation; one
> technical, one terminological.
> * How welcome would a “delete trailing whitespace” patch be for the
>  documentation? The first change addresses this, for the
>  English-language documentation files.

"grudgingly welcome" I guess, and please don't mix it in with other
changes because it just makes things a bit harder to review.
Obiviously one can merge the changes then do a whitespace-ignoring
diff.  In general it's not worth the time in my opinion.

> * The documentation refers fairly consistently to “version control
>  system” and “VCS” for the system the Bazaar is. There are a couple of
>  legacy “revision control system” occurrences, though; I think this is
>  confusing because RCS is still a specific system in use by numerous
>  people. I have changed all these to be consistent with the normal
>  “version control system” term.

That's worthwhile, thanks.  There could possibly be a 'also known as'
explanation but maybe that doesn't belong in the manual.

I don't think you have yet executed the contributor agreement - could
you please do that at http://www.canonical.com/contributors so that we
can take your patch?

Thanks for this, and please send more!
Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>

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