ProgressView, ProgressTask, etc.

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Nov 30 04:26:48 GMT 2009

2009/11/28 Gordon Tyler <gordon at>:
> I'm looking at the way the progress bar is handled and it's a tad
> confusing. The actual code being used by ui.text is a class called
> TextProgressView which just inherits from object, but the progress and
> (base) ui modules talk about ProgressTask.

Right, Task is the Model part.

> Martin said something about regression of the progress bar display, is
> this what he was referring to?

There are two things that can be displayed: progress (N objects to
transfer) and transport activity (234kb/s).  At one point we showed
the transport activity whenever there was non-local IO.  This gave a
good blinkenlights indication that bzr was doing something, but the
implementation was not synchronized with other text IO and it tended
to scribble over it, causing some bug reports.  We changed it back so
now you only see activity when there is a pb view.  When the ui
refactorings land (there are some test failures) I hope to put that

Before the peanut gallery starts, I realize that just showing the
equivalent of an ethernet led is not as useful as saying "it will be
done in 32 seconds", but the latter requires having a good accurate
view of all of the work to be done before you start it, which is not

Martin <>

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