Usage discussion from the GNU Emacs project.
Brian de Alwis
briandealwis at
Fri Nov 27 17:55:26 GMT 2009
On 27-Nov-2009, at 9:51 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Where I feel slowness in bzr is in startup. On Mac OS X, "git log
> --limit 150" takes much less time than "bzr --version", or "hg
> version". I think it's just the Python interpreter plus imports of a
> lot of modules; not something that can be "fixed" in software without
> a radical (and undesirable) redesign.
> An interesting concept there might be a "bzr server" for *local*
> operation. Ie, you "bzr log" on your favorite project.
If you haven't already, check out 'bzr shell' from bzrtools: it does exactly this, and it is amazing how fast bzr feels as a result.
On bike helmets: "If you think your hair is more important than your brain, you're probably right." (B. J. Wawrykow)
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