[RFC] Bazaar Localisation Team

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 25 15:00:46 GMT 2009

Am Mittwoch, den 25.11.2009, 11:01 +0100 schrieb Henning Eggers: 
> Hi,
> Alexander suggested that I provide some insight on how you can organize
> the l10n work for your projects.
> > Just to provide you more info, here is quote from
> > https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+question/91575/+confirm?answer_id=0
> This works: ;)
> https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+question/91575
> > 
> > "In general, though, if you are concerned with the quality rather than 
> > the quantity of translations, you should consider not using Open 
> > permissions, but rather Structured or Restricted, assigned to a trusted 
> > translations group (e.g. launchpad-translators)."
> > 
> > Is it official Launchpad/Ubuntu policy?
> Yes, to ensure good quality of your translations you will have to assign
> official "translators"[1] for each language that your project is being
> translated into. Only official translators can review and accept (or
> reject) suggested translations to be actually used in the application.
> Translators are assigned per-language by the translation group that has
> been set to be responsible for the translation effort on this project.

As Henning points out, this is the Ubuntu policy. Regarding projects
hosted in Launchpad, project maintainers can be flexible in the sense
that they can choose the permission policy they want, but we do
encourage not using "Open" - rather to assign translations to a trusted
group, generally launchpad-translators.

> Without the use of a translation group, translations will remain "Open"
> and *anybody* can change them.
> Now, you have two or three options:
> 1. Ask (us rosetta admins) for your own translation group to be created,
> e.g. "Bazaar Translators". Then it would be the responsibility of the
> owner of this new group to assign translators (a single person or a
> team) for each language.
> 2. Set "Launchpad Translators" as the responsible translation group.
> This group already has teams for a lot of languages set up that are
> experienced translators and ensure quality translations.
> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators
> 3. Set "Ubuntu Translators" as the responsible translation group but I
> am not sure what their policy is for accepting new projects. So maybe
> this is a non-option.
> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators

Before the "Launchpad Translators" group existed, most of the projects
which wanted to assign translations to a group used "Ubuntu
Translators". While this is still valid and there are some projects not
directly related to Ubuntu which use "Ubuntu Translators", we'd like to
decouple the translation of Launchpad projects (not associated with the
distro) from Ubuntu.

That's why we encourage project maintainers of those projects to use
"Launchpad Translators" unless they've got special requirements.
"Launchpad Translators" is a relatively new group, and it hasn't got as
many language teams as Ubuntu, but as the number of assigned projects
grows, I expect more teams to sign up. Just as a comparison:


      * Ubuntu Translators: 127 languages, 181 projects 
      * Launchpad Translators: 17 languages, 104 projects

> > Does these official translators understand DVCS terms better than 
> > experienced users like me? (And note that I'm using bzr almost from the 
> > earliest days).
> That is a very good question. You can only really be sure if you start
> your own translation group and select translators by their domain
> knowledge. A different approach might be to have translators with domain
> knowledge join their respective "Launchpad XX Translators" team to help
> that team develop good practices in translating Bazaar-related projects.

It is difficult to generalise. It varies from team to team. Some teams
have got members with technical knowledge, whereas others don't.
Generally, though, translators tend to find out what an unknown term
means before translating it.

> > This is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER for every translator IMO. Always 
> > should be canonical glossary with the variants how to translate terms, 
> > so all translations around bzr ecosystem (docs, GUI l10n, CLI l10n) will 
> > use *the same words*.
> Exactly and that is what Translation teams do for their language. Look
> at the group page above and you will see "guidelines" URLs that point to
> that sort of information for that particular language. If you join the
> team for your language you can work with them to extend (or start) the
> glossary for that language to include Bazaar terms.
> > 
> > Unfortunately the LP does not have a way to specify Glossaries. This is 
> > big misfeature IMO.
> We *do* have the guidelines URL as I pointed out above. What *is*
> missing, though, is an integration of a glossary into Launchpad. There
> are blueprints for this but no plans for implementation on our part atm.
> Hope this did help. Please feel free to ask further questions!
> Henning
> Launchpad Translations Team
> [1] Note the little confusion in terms here. "Official translators" are
> really "reviewers of translations", whereas any launchpad user can
> suggest translations to be reviewed and thus be a translator without
> being part of a special team.

I've got a question for you as well. In terms of GUI and native language
support, bzr-gtk/olive has never had complete l10n support, and as far
as I can understand the localization effort is going to focus on the
different GUIs.

Some time ago, I started an attempt to complete the internationalization
effort of bzr-gtk (but I still have not done any merge proposal):


How does bzr-explorer fit in here? Will it be a replacement for bzr-gtk?
Is it worth for me to keep working on that branch?



David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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