[RFC] Bazaar Localisation Team

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Fri Nov 27 07:38:08 GMT 2009

David Planella wrote:

> How does bzr-explorer fit in here? Will it be a replacement for bzr-gtk?
> Is it worth for me to keep working on that branch?

Hi David,

Explorer is designed to be a "shell" over either QBzr or Bzr-Gtk. It
uses some code out of QBzr though so, currently, QBzr is a hard
dependency. If you have Bzr-Gtk installed, it detects this and lets you
select it as the "Appliocation Suite" in Preferences. Bzr-Gtk dialogs
will then be used in preference to the QBzr ones.

Ian C.

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