[RFC] Bazaar Localisation Team
Philippe Lhoste
PhiLho at GMX.net
Thu Nov 26 17:10:03 GMT 2009
On 25/11/2009 09:47, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> I personally constantly trying to find the good variants for translation
> and every time this is hard. There is many terms which is just dead hard
> to translate adequately. [...] I can list you long list of hard
> terms.
Same here (for French).
> Will be there enough native English speakers with infinite amount of
> patience to answer question from translators: how we can translate XXX
> and YYY to our language?
I sent a message to this list with these kind of questions (when translating BzrExplorer).
Hadn't much answers...
> Just for fun, how do you translate "push" as bzr command?
In French, I translated with "ajouter", ie. to add (revisions to remote repository).
The meaning of physical push seemed too obscure/not appropriate.
I translated "pull" with "récupérer", ie. something like "get back".
Same difficulty for "checkout"! (I used "miroir", ie. mirror.)
> I'm still unable to translate it. And many ru people as I know just
> using calque and use original word "push" as jargon.
I tried hard to avoid keeping original English jargon in my translations...
> Always
> should be canonical glossary with the variants how to translate terms,
> so all translations around bzr ecosystem (docs, GUI l10n, CLI l10n) will
> use *the same words*.
Yes. I have a glossary I wrote on paper, I should make it more formal.
Philippe Lhoste
-- (near) Paris -- France
-- http://Phi.Lho.free.fr
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