Usage discussion from the GNU Emacs project.

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Nov 25 10:45:24 GMT 2009

On Wed, 2009-11-25 at 17:06 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Robert Collins writes:

> I was also pleased to note that AFAICT no listed member (of course
> not everybody who contributes is listed) of those projects is active
> here.  That suggests that they chose Bazaar on its current merit as a
> VCS, rather than based on advocacy about its bright shiny future.
> (Although I gather you have some familiarity with Gnash development.)

I was approached by Rob to help Gnash migrate, I'm not familiar with the
project beyond a few casual discussions and them the workflow
discussions we had as part of the migration. I hung out in the channel
for a while afterwards to act as a support contact till the team was

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