Usage discussion from the GNU Emacs project.

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Wed Nov 25 08:06:53 GMT 2009

Robert Collins writes:

 > Gnash migrated totally to bzr, so bzr is the primary repository.
 > I don't know the details for Grub.

I had to dig a bit, but on I found: "All
the development is done through the Bazaar repository."

I was also pleased to note that AFAICT no listed member (of course
not everybody who contributes is listed) of those projects is active
here.  That suggests that they chose Bazaar on its current merit as a
VCS, rather than based on advocacy about its bright shiny future.
(Although I gather you have some familiarity with Gnash development.)

Still, it would be nice if Savannah would get its act together on the
code browser.  I'll ping emacs-devel, maybe rms will supply some

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