bzr-pipeline, installers and explorer

Aaron Bentley aaron at
Tue Nov 24 02:06:51 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> That original sync-pipeline caused a branch lp:~barry/lazr-js/lazr-js to get
> pushed that I had completely forgotten about, mostly because I didn't care
> about it.  That branch I guess was stacked or somehow referenced
> ~barry/lazr-js/refactoring because deleting ~barry/lazr-js/lazr-js allowed me
> to sync-pipeline on my current branch.

It sounds quite possible that your remote lp:~barry/lazr-js/lazr-js had
a pipeline reference to a refactoring branch that you later deleted.
Trying to reuse your local lazr-js as part of a new pipeline meant that
bzr tried to open the remote pipeline.  But you had deleted other parts
of the remote pipeline, so the exception was raised.

> I think (please confirm) that if I had done the original co against the parent
> of my local lazr-js branch, this wouldn't have happened because the lowest
> pipe would have been lp:~launchpad-pqm/lazr-js/toolchain/.

No, I don't recommend checking out any sort of trunk branch as the first
pipe in the pipeline.  The first pipe in your pipeline should be the
first branch that you plan to commit to.

> Second problem.  I wanted to link my 482298-picker-batching branch to bug
> 482298, so I ran the command:
> bzr commit -m"fixes" --unchanged --fixes lp:482298
> but then sync-pipeline linked the bottom lazr-js pipe to the bug and not the
> 482298-picker-batching branch.  Any idea why that was?

Your remote lp:~barry/lazr-js/lazr-js branch is a copy of your local
482298-picker-batching branch.

bzr log  bzr+ssh://
  148 Barry Warsaw	2009-11-23

  147 Barry Warsaw	2009-11-23
      Implement the simplified batching API, along with a test and

  146 Barry Warsaw	2009-11-13
      Implement an optional simplified batching API for the common case.
 Test and
      code implemented; now I have to the documentation example.

My best guess is that at some point when you were in your
482298-picker-batching branch pipe, you pushed or sync-pipelined to

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