branch specific rules - the latest proposal

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon Nov 16 01:04:15 GMT 2009

On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 14:15 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> > We have no plans for bzr core to ever support versioned properties.
> Though I'll note that Robert and I discussed it a little bit on Friday,
> as part of a "what other low-level changes to the storage are we
> considering." He was the one who brought it up, even.

Indeed. I've never objected to the concept, just to having bad
implementations of same ;).

Some things proposed in the past (such as moving all our specific fields
to generic properties) are very concerning, because of things like:
 - generic structures are IME harder to tune as much as dedicated
 - 'user' code can't be trusted to do the right thing with unstructured

Anyhow, I'd *love* to have a good answer for people wanting to annotate
file versions, and concerns like those above are solvable with
thought ;)

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