Don't use single quotes as quotes in command-line parsing on windows?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Nov 7 17:09:11 GMT 2009

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> John Arbash Meinel пишет:
>>> I *do* want this issue somewhat resolved before release 2.1.0b3, which
>>> I'd like to do early next week (like Monday). The fact that we are
>>> sprinting next week and I'm currently stuck in a hotel room because a
>>> flight delay made me miss the 1 cross-pacific flight is the only reason
>>> I'm responding right now...
>> John, 2.1.0b3 is beta, right? Why you think it will be not possible to
>> remove single quotes before b4? I don't understand.
> We absolutely *can* do it. I personally was hoping a consensus could be
> reached so we don't have to worry about having 2 releases which
> flip-flopped on this issue, and I was willing to delay releasing by a
> day or two if it looked like a consensus could be reached. I certainly
> wouldn't wait forever, nor would I forbid the patch to land after the fact.
> Though I'll note that in the original plan, 2.1.0b3 was meant to be the
> last beta before rc1. And at rc1 time, we *should* consider not making
> sweeping changes like this before the -final release.

Then I should say that you land your original patch too fast for gather 
more feedback. Or maybe it's me is tpp slow.

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