Bug 425510 & Bug 426410 (shell completion on win32)
Maritza Mendez
martitzam at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 03:08:26 GMT 2009
I stand corrected, Alexander. Thanks anyway.
On 11/4/09, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
> Maritza Mendez пишет:
>> On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 07:36 +0200, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>> Maritza Mendez пишет:
>>>> I just took a look at your merge proposal. I cannot tell you how much I
>>>> am going to enjoy saying "bzr ignore '*.h'"
>>> What do you mean?
>> That's an example from John's merge proposal and perhaps not the best
>> example I could have chosen. More likely I would 'bzr ignore *.obj' for
>> example or *.ncb in my work. Currently, I do this by opening an editor
>> and editing .bzrignore directly. But sometimes it is just nice to be
>> able to punch it out on the command line. The partial support for
>> globbing on win32 has made this sort of thing difficult. John's merge
>> has the potential to really improve the win32 bzr CLI experience.
> I still don't understand you. Perhaps you're not quite understand John's
> example.
> Currently if I need to ignore all files by mask, e.g. all *.obj files I do
> on windows:
> bzr ignore *.obj
> And in the .bzrignore file there appears new line:
> *.obj
> Reading your response it seems you add file-by-file? Why? Too much ignore
> entries will hurts
> performance.
> John's example was that now with his patch if I want to add glob pattern to
> .bzrignore I have to
> launch command as
> bzr ignore "*.obj"
> Which is quite big CLI API break for me. But maybe I'll survive.
> But more important point of John's comment is that he's using bzr.exe from
> cygwin's shell and
> therefore cygwin do glob-expanding for him already, so he'll be unable to
> run
> bzr ignore "*.obj"
> at all, because cygwin will parse command line and removes quotes around
> *.obj, and when bzr.exe
> will start to parse command-line it will see *unquoted* glob pattern and
> will performs glob
> expansion, which is wrong in this situation.
> So, I'll ask you again: what do you mean?
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