bzr-Explorer could be a better learning tool.

DeeJay smartgpx at
Thu Nov 5 08:24:34 GMT 2009

"I would think that it would not be too difficult to add one icon on the tool
bar, called perhaps "debug" that would toggle a small panel/window that would
show the bzr command being executed (including the switches). It would not
stand in the way of normal operation and give an option to use the bzr-
Explorer as a learning tool."

Perhaps much of what you seek is present already, under View => Diagnostic Mode?

That fails to do what you hope for in that most of the operations invoked within
bzr-explorer are q-commands from the qbzr package, not direct calls of
bzr cli commands.
So the teaching value may not be as great.

But I hope you will continue to investigate what you can accomplish.


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