What's Canonical thinking about Bazaar?

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at benfinney.id.au
Mon Nov 2 10:12:14 GMT 2009

Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> writes:

> Canonical's desired focus for Bazaar development in the next six-month
> period is on things that help Ubuntu developers, in particular in
> helping them to get better interaction with upstreams and to ship
> fixes faster.

Is it too optimistic of me to read this as saying “smoother and
more-transparent interaction with existing repositories using other
VCSen like Git, Mercurial, and Darcs” being a priority for Canonical
resources into Bazaar?

> There is a desire to position Bazaar more as "a Canonical open source
> product" rather than "an open source project supported by Canonical" -
> thus the request for the web site name change. I'm not sure if that's
> the right way to describe the change in approach - it's close, though,
> and I'm trying to work out just precisely what it is.

I reiterate that this will further entrench a very negative impression
Bazaar has with many people: that Bazaar is a VCS tied to a particular
corporation, and communities would be better advices to choose a VCS
with a more independent focus, like Git or Mercurial.

I had hoped that Canonical, and the Bazaar core developers, would not
want that impression to increase; but this makes me suspect that
impression may be right.

 \       “We must find our way to a time when faith, without evidence, |
  `\   disgraces anyone who would claim it.”  —Sam Harris, _The End of |
_o__)                                                     Faith_, 2004 |
Ben Finney

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