2.0 migration confusion

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at mattnordhoff.com
Sat Oct 31 03:12:37 GMT 2009

Brad Schick wrote:
> I am following the step here
> http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/upgrade-guide/index.html to migrate
> to the 2a format, but finding the steps unclear.
> On my server I have a shared repo with several branches and no working
> trees. So as the docs say, I am trying
> 1. Upgrade the shared repository.
> 2. Upgrade the branches.
> 3. Upgrade any lightweight checkouts.
> In the top directory of the shared repo I ran
>> bzr check
>> bzr upgrade --2a
>> bzr check
> And it seems to be happy. Then moving to step #2 I change into one of
> the branches in to repo and do
>> bzr check .
>> bzr upgrade --2a .
> bzr: ERROR: The branch format Meta directory format 1 is already at the
> most recent format.
> And get the error above. So what does setup #2 mean?

"bzr check" on the repo checked all of the branches inside it (look at
its output -- it should've mentioned them), so it's redundant to check
them individually.

That rather unhelpful error means that there's nothing to upgrade; it
already is 2a.

Bazaar format names refer to a combination of meta directory (.bzr) +
repository (.bzr/repository) + branch (.bzr/branch) + working tree
(.bzr/checkout) formats. 1.6 and all newer formats use the same branch
format (BzrBranchFormat7); you upgraded the repository and don't have
working trees, so there's nothing else to upgrade.

> Further down in the upgrade guide, there is a section titled "Migrating
> local branches after a central trunk has migrated". Does that mean that
> people can't upgrade the local branches and keep working as usual?
> Everyone really needs to re-branch from the upgraded server and then
> copy over all their changes and ignored junk?
> -Brad

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