launchpad proxy support (Was: Empty XMLRPC response from launchpad)

Gordon Tyler gordon at
Thu Oct 29 15:36:59 GMT 2009

Gordon Tyler wrote:
> Gordon Tyler wrote:
>> I've tested this at home using tinyproxy installed on a Debian box, 
>> with the bzr client on a Windows box. Unfortunately, in the firewalled 
>> & proxied corp environment, it's now failing with a 502 Proxy Error 
>> which I still have to figure out.
> Interestingly, I get what looks like the same error from Git when it's 
> configured to use the same CNTLM proxy in my work environment. This may 
> be a bug in my proxy setup...

Nope, as it turns out, the request my HTTPTransport was sending was 
malformed. When the XMLRPC service URL was using the https scheme, it 
was making an SSL request on port 80 which was confusing the server. 
Once I changed my HTTPTransport to explicitly use port 443 in the URL 
given to urllib2, then it started working.

I've pushed this fix up to lp:~doxxx/brz/lp_proxy just now. I still need 
to figure out how to not clobber an explicit port in the XMLRPC service URL.


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