launchpad proxy support (Was: Empty XMLRPC response from launchpad)

Gordon Tyler gordon at
Thu Oct 29 17:58:25 GMT 2009

Gordon Tyler wrote:
> Nope, as it turns out, the request my HTTPTransport was sending was 
> malformed. When the XMLRPC service URL was using the https scheme, it 
> was making an SSL request on port 80 which was confusing the server. 
> Once I changed my HTTPTransport to explicitly use port 443 in the URL 
> given to urllib2, then it started working.

I'm guessing this a problem either in urllib2 or the bzrlib wrappers. 
launchpad-login, which uses the bzrlib HTTP transport (i.e. NOT 
xmlrpclib) to request the sshkeys URL, fails unless I modify 
launchpad/ to specify port 443 in LAUNCHPAD_BASE.

I guess I should go poking around in the wrappers and urllib2.


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