Stable ppa

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Fri Oct 16 00:10:34 BST 2009

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>> "jam" == John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:
>     jam> I'm trying to remember how we are going to be dividing the PPA work, so
>     jam> that we can have both a 2.1.0b1 that people can install, *and* a 2.0.1
>     jam> available.
>     jam> I'm pretty sure we can't put both in the same ppa, because then people
>     jam> would always get 2.1.0b1. Are we just going to put 2.0.1 into the
>     jam> standard ~bzr ppa, and put 2.1.0b1 into ~bzr-beta-ppa?
> 2.1.0b1 in ~bzr-beta-ppa sounds fine to me, that's a beta and
> people subscribing to that PPA want betas.
> 2.0.1 in ~bzr-ppa sounds fine too, that's the stable version and
> people subscribing to that PPA want stable versions.

Sounds right to me.

Ian C.

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