Wish list for the bzr-explorer

Algis Kabaila akabaila at pcug.org.au
Tue Oct 13 22:36:39 BST 2009

On Tuesday 13 October 2009 23:27:17 Philippe Lhoste wrote:
> On 13/10/2009 00:35, Algis Kabaila wrote:
> > Have no idea - just started the email as a reply to some other thread,
> > deletd the contents, gave the new Subject.
> Well, I just wanted to point out it is generally seen as bad practice: when
> you start a new thread, just paste the address of the mailing list in the
> destination field.
> Why using reply is a bad idea, even if it is convenient? Because some
> people, like me, like to see the messages in a threaded fashion, in a
> tree-like representation. That's also how lot of Web interfaces to mailing
> list show them.
> And a message unrelated to the current thread being grafted at an arbitrary
> point is distracting, and has a chance of being unnoticed (I often do "mark
> thread as read" for threads I have no interest in).
> My remark isn't about going "boo", finger-pointing, it is about Netiquette
> education...
> :-) You are not the first to ignore such informal but widely followed rule.
> : :-D Hey, at
> least you don't top-post and trim down correctly the messages, unlike lot
> of people here (and elsewhere)! ;-)


Thanks for saying it plainly.  I was not aware of this aspect of netiquette 
and I am allways willing to learn.  It would have been more effective if you 
had plainly said what you meant.

I guess you wanted to make a gentle hint without being brutal about it. Alas, 
I needed a straight pointer. 

In future I will not  confuse the threads on your mail client - promise. 

Is "you don't top-post and trim down correctly the messages" also a hint of 
something that you think I should do differently? If so, tell me please. If you 
don't want to sound offensive, just mail me off the list.  TIA.


Algis Kabaila, MEngSc, PhD(Eng)

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