Wish list for the bzr-explorer
Ian Clatworthy
ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Mon Oct 12 08:01:33 BST 2009
Algis Kabaila wrote:
> IMO bzr-explorer is a "killer application".
> 1. I would very much like to see a configuration option, which could be set to
> display *exactly* the CLI version of the command issued by the explorer in
> response to GUI use. Not a new idea - something that used to be done with all
> ftp commands in the early days of GUI's for it. Why - well, the CLI is easier
> to documment and in case of Bazaar it is very well done already. OTH, GUI
> documentation is fuzzy at the best of times.
While not being exactly what you're asking for, try this menu option:
View --> Diagnostic Mode
Instead of launching a dialog or opening an editor, this will display
the command line in a dialog box.
> 2. Is there a way to delete the files (or directory) from the explorer GUI?
> That is to issue "bzr rm <file-name> command
Not directly yet. Use "Manage" from the Working Tree browser, delete the
file/directory in your file manager and click "Refresh" on the toolbar.
> 3. Is there a way of refreshing the display after some operation? It is
> useful (and will probably remain useful) to occasionally issue bzr command in
> CLI.. It seems that in this case to refresh the display, one has to restart
> explorer. That's OK, but less than ideal.
View --> Refresh. It's also on the toolbar and available via the F5
keyboard shortcut.
> It is a pity that there is no separate user list, as questions such as mine
> would best be directed to the user list. I think that most new users would
> feel more comfortable to use a separate list.
There's always Help --> Get Help Online which will connect you with
Launchpad Answers: https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer.
Ian C.
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