Front page nits

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Sun Oct 11 18:16:06 BST 2009

John Yates writes:

 > The triple "Get Bazaar, Get Going, Get Help" is an awkward parallel
 > construction.

Sure, it's a little awkward, but I find that to be part of its appeal.

 > The Get Going link and icons point to a page that is decidely not
 > about how a newbie might get going.

This is a problem.  I'm not a fan of "Get Extras".  (Something similar
was shot down earlier because having it on the top page sort of turns
the "three gets" into "Get a taste, Get what you need to do real work,
Get help 'cause you're gonna need it".  That's exaggeration for
effect, don't take it too literally.)  Still, it seems to be better
unless the "get going" can be linked to a useful documentation page
(maybe including extras in the form of "best current practice with
links to plugins).

 > takes up
 > the ambiguity of "get going" meaning either to leave or to become
 > active and productive.

As an idiom, yes, "get going" is problematic.  But you also don't want
the enthusiasm to drain out and be replaced by zombie-speak oriented
to the lowest common denominator.

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