Front page nits
John Yates
jyates at
Sun Oct 11 17:02:24 BST 2009
The triple "Get Bazaar, Get Going, Get Help" is an awkward parallel construction. Bazaar is a proper noun, Going is a part of a phrasal verb form [1] and Help (though capitalized) is a common noun. The Get Going link and icons point to a page that is decidely not about how a newbie might get going. Rather the page is entitled "Bazaar Extras" and lists various resources, most of which would be irrelevant to a newbie. Elsewhere on the home page links to this resources page use the term Extras. I suggest that the Get triple would be both more accurate and a clearer parallel construction if the object of each Get were consistently a noun. So how about "Get Bazaar, Get Extras, Get Help"?
Like others before me I guestion the blue-circle/right-arrow icons. Visually they are somewhat unattractive because they fail to line up vertically. As best as I can tell they are there to suggest that the text immediately to the left is a link. This seems to be necessary because the of the failure to use a bold font. Elsewhere within the central yellow area any bold blue-grey text is an obvious link [2]. Changing the font would help. Rephrasing the left hand column simply to assert (an approximation) of the referenced page's title would reduce the feeling that a pointer is needed:
Bazaar feature overview
Bazaar Explorer visual tour
Launchpad code hosting
Bazaar plugin-registry
(To my mind that list would read as more of a progression if Launchpad were moved to the end.)
Within the right hand column vertical alignment could be reinforced by rephrasing the news titles:
September 22, 2009: Released Bazaar 2.0.0
September 10, 2009: Released Bazaar 2.0.0rc2
September 09, 2009: Released Bazaar 1.18.1
[1] As part of the effort to make the site accessible to non-native English speakers it is interesting to note that (a site devoted to the discipline of teaching English as a second language) devotes no less that 12 pages in its "Confusing Words" section to the word get ( takes up the ambiguity of "get going" meaning either to leave or to become active and productive.
[2] Actually, this is not entirely true. "What is Bazaar?" has all the appearance of a link yet it is not. Should it not point to the feature overview page?
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