Linking to logos was Is 42,000 a lot?

Emma Jane emmajane at
Fri Oct 9 15:43:14 BST 2009

On Thursday 08 October 2009 11:45:49 pm David Muir wrote:
> The four featured projects (Linux Foundation, GNU, MySQL, and Ubuntu),
> should probably be linked to their respective websites.

What would be the advantage of linking the logos from the front page of the 
site? If people have arrived on the front page of the Bazaar site I don't see 
why they would want to, or should need to, immediately leave to visit the 
Ubuntu front page? (Probably LP would be more appropriate anyway?)

If the goal of the link is to be respectful back to the project I think the 
most flattering thing we can do is write a case study for how each of those 
projects is using Bazaar and link to that. On the case study page there can be 
links back to the home page for the project and an instance of Loggerhead if 
it's available.



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