Branching with a Central Repository

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Oct 6 16:52:00 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

> However, I'm not clear from the documentation how to actually work
> with this.  We have a very thorough backup régime on the repository
> and are very keen to use this as the commit destination.  The closest
> thing I've come up with (which seems especially convoluted in the
> GUIs, which most of my colleagues will use) is something like (I may
> have made mistakes here):
>     # Get the project
>     bzr co f:\root\ProjectGroup\Project1
>     cd Project1
>     # Do some editing (e.g. go to revision 10)
>     bzr ci -m "Done some editing"
>     # Now branch: it'd be nicer to just do
>     # "bzr branch feature-gui" and automatically
>     # handle the relationship to the current checkout
>     bzr branch f:\root\ProjectGroup\Project1
> f:\root\ProjectGroup\Project1\feature-gui
>     # Bind to the new feature
>     bzr bind f:\root\ProjectGroup\Project1\feature-gui

generally "bzr switch" rather than "bzr bind" at this point.

>     # Do some editing (e.g. go to revision 11)
>     bzr ci -m "Added GUI template files"
>     # Do some more editing (e.g. go to revision 12)
>     bzr ci -m "Added GUI"
>     # Now we need to merge it back into the mainline
>     # (so we get 10.1.2 or whatever [2]) and switch back.
>     # How do we do this cleanly?
>     # Guess (this is nasty):
>     # Bind to the original project path (this could get messy as
>     # we've got the changes already made!)
>     bzr bind f:\root\ProjectGroup\Project1\

Again 'switch'. As this will revert any changes that have been
committed, preparing you for the merge.

>     # Merge in the changes
>     bzr merge f:\root\ProjectGroup\Project1\feature-gui

And, of course, "bzr commit "when you are done.

> Is there a better way to do this?  I've been reading the
> documentation, but most of the branching/merging discussion focuses on
> the distributed development workflow.
> Thanks in advance,
> Al
> [1]
> [2]

What you've written seems fine. And is certainly exposed in "Bazaar
Explorer." Switch is under the "Work" category if you are looking for it.

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