StaticTuple... naming, maintenance, ...
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Tue Oct 6 16:38:29 BST 2009
Hash: SHA1
Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel пишет:
>> ....
>>> Some notes.
>>> I've pointed out in the past that Cython generates the code which
>>> cannot be compiled by MSVC
>>> compiler, only by gcc (mingw) on Windows. It's not problem per se,
>>> because official installer built
>>> with mingw. And as long as this C-extension will be optional this
>>> should not blocks custom bzr.exe
>>> builds. Perhaps I'm the one crazy guy who built custom bzr.exe in the
>>> past. Now with new advanced
>>> installer I can drop it.
>> I've been using VS 2008 Express just fine here, and did all the
>> development for my static tuple stuff with Cython 0.11.3. Perhaps they
>> fixed those bugs?
> Hmm, maybe. I've gave up to use Cython about an half of year ago (or
> maybe already year?). I need to test it again with 0.11.
>>> And as long as you will build bzr.exe based on Python 2.5 I'll be
>>> happy to not build my custom
>>> bzr.exe anymore and don't think about incompatibility with MSVC.
>> Perhaps it is because I'm using 2008 w/ python 2.6.
>>> So don't count my note as objection, just as observation. I don't
>>> want to block anything that good
>>> for you and bzr project.
>>> But if you won't switch bzr.exe from Python 2.5 to 2.6 then you'll
>>> make one crazy guy pretty happy.
>> What is the problem you have with 2.6?
> SxS stuff in new dlls (of VS 2008). I've read many post in py2exe
> mailing list about this problem. IIUC it require admin rights to install
> msvcrt90.dll to windows system directory. Also there is some problems
> with PyQt4 usage in standalone application. Sorry, I have no specific
> details, but all this problems is enough for me to not bother to migrate
> my own projects to 2.6, because I need painless py2exe stuff, and I
> don't enough free time to sort out this issues.
Well, I can say that I was having problems with py2exe + PyQt 4.5 +
python2.6 here. From what I could tell, it was a py2exe + PyQt issue,
though. (PyQt seems to have some code to support running w/ Python3, and
py2exe is trying to import it. If I tell it not to include it, it
complains about it being missing, if I don't it blows up because the Py3
code isn't valid Py2 syntax.)
>> Note also that Kerguelen currently builds just bzr for 2.4 + 2.5 using
>> mingw and for 2.6 using either mingw or VS 2008 (I don't remember the
>> exact configuration right now.)
>> I was thinking to switch to 2.6 for the 2.1 series, unless you have a
>> specific reason why you don't like python 2.6.
> As I said the most irritating thing is SxS problems with py2exed
> programs and requirement for VS 2008. I'll try to gather more info in
> November/December when I'll have some window for such experiments.
> But of course I can be just plain wrong, because I don't have strong
> facts yet.
Did we actually fix the admin problems? Last I checked, we always
required admin access anyway, which is why I create the 'noadmin'
self-extracting executable. Having to bundle the 2008 dll would be a
pain, except *python2.6* depends on it already, so it doesn't seem hard
to get that dll out there.
But certainly, if you think you'll have some time to investigate that
would be great. I don't want to spend a lot of time on the installers,
so I'm not in a huge rush to switch to py2.6 for 2.1.0b1, I can
certainly wait for b2, etc.
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