Slow tests

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Sep 17 05:57:36 BST 2009

On Thu, 2009-09-17 at 14:50 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:

> I think so too, and I think the thing is to establish a rhythm of
> fixing at least some of them.
> That mail is not very readable at first, at least on my laptop's screen.

Its generated by
bzr pull lp:bzr && make && ./bzr --no-plugins selftest --subunit |
subunit-ls --times | sort -n -k2 | tail -n 30 | mail -s 'Slow tests'
bazaar at l.c.c

We can process it as much further as we like :)

> I presume those are the total runtimes in seconds?  Why not sort by
> time, put the time first, and truncate it to %.3f? Oh, apparently it
> is sorted by time, but with the least-important first. ;-)

Adding -r & using head will get the slowest first. I'll do that for the
next one.

> time grep "assert " bzrlib/**/*py takes 100ms on my laptop so there
> seems considerable room for improvement from 30000ms.

Yup. That was run on my desktop, which is still importing my netbeans
memory dump; its possble there was IO noise. Never-the-less, it did take
that long :).

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