2.0 milestones - headsup
Robert Collins
robertc at robertcollins.net
Sun Sep 6 23:45:53 BST 2009
On Mon, 2009-09-07 at 08:36 +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
> Just a note to folk working on 2.0:
> there are *two* active milestones:
> - 2.0
> - 2.0rc2
I realised after writing this mail that another use for milestone 'Foo'
is tracking 'are we there yet', for folk that are not tracking _which_
milestone we're on. So having a floating milestone is desirable. - That
is the next milestone on a series should always be the one that users
will be given the version number for: we can rename it at release when
we choose to do a candidate for it rather than the full thing.
In that light, 2.0 *was* the right name for the milestone, right up to
when we released, when it should have been renamed and blocker bugs
I've fixed up the lp data: 2.0rc1 now lists all the bugs fixed by the
2.0rc1 release [but also includes additional ones fixed after that, and
there isn't a trivial way to determine which is which: I don't think its
worth cleaning *that* up, but we can if other folk would benefit a lot
by that being done].
2.0 now lists all the blocking bugs and ones fix released after 2.0rc1
that were explicitly put onto 2.0rc2.
There is no 2.0rc2. Use 2.0.
I'll send in a doc update for this later this morning.
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