TortoiseBZR 0.3 Released.

INADA Naoki songofacandy at
Tue Sep 22 01:14:48 BST 2009

I'm happy to announce 0.3 is just in time for bzr-2.0.
This version is included in bzr-2.0rc2-4-setup.exe!

TBZR 0.3 uses 'Unversioned' icon (question mark) when file state
is not in cache.
Press F5 later to show actual file state.
If 'Unversioned' icon is not overlaid, please read

TortoiseBZR 0.3

:0.3rc1: 2009-09-20
:0.3: 2009-09-22

New Features

* Use "Unversioned" state icon for "In progress" mean.
  This avoids TortoiseBZR cause Explorer blocks for several seconds.
  TortoiseSVN doesn't use this icon default.
  And TortoiseHG uses it for "In progress".


* Change cache expire time from 2min to 10min. User can use 'Refresh'
  command for recheck directory state so longer expire time is acceptable.

Naoki INADA  <songofacandy at>

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