RFC: Home page design

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Thu Sep 10 05:48:38 BST 2009

Ian Clatworthy writes:

 > "Easy to migrate existing projects"

How about "Track *or* migrate existing projects with Bazaar"?
There are an awful lot of people who swear by that feature on this
list, even if it's still evolving.  (Yes, even for a fragment that
phrasing is ungrammatical enough to be hard to understand, but maybe
it will suggest a better phrase to someone.)

Hm.  Maybe the meme "Bazaar is a revolutionary product, but getting to
full Bazaar deployment can be an evolutionary process" can fit in the
program somewhere?  I don't have a concrete suggestion for the top
page, though, seems a little subtle to explain in ten words or less.

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