RFC: Home page design

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Thu Sep 10 04:41:47 BST 2009

2009/9/10 Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at canonical.com>:
> Martin Pool wrote:
>> In the text about "Improve your workflow..." I'd like to call out some
>> particular advantages like
> I think that's going to be really hard on the front page. There are
> plenty and different things will appeal to different audiences.
> My personal favorites w.r.t. appealing to the mass market are
> "Central or Distributed VCS - you choose"
> "Easy to use GUI tools on all major platforms"
> "Proper rename tracking"
> "Easy to migrate existing projects"
> So my point is that selling transparent access to git and hg branches is
> a long way down the list of features that *typical* developers will care
> about, given 70-80% of developers are still using Subversion or CVS.
> Those plugins are still maturing as well so I'd prefer not to oversell
> them just yet.

My point was that if we say "easy to migrate" that should be a link to
a page that substantiates and explains the statement.  I agree that
bzr-hg and bzr-git may not make that list but it was the one Paul

One interesting consequence of this would be that we could potentially
measure how many people click them.

Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>

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