Error while renaming a directory

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Sep 10 00:51:50 BST 2009

2009/9/10 Andreas Deininger <adeininger at>:
> Hi,
> I'm using bzr 1.18, my bzr repository is a standalone tree (format 1.9).
> I'm encountering the following problem, which I can reproduce:
> $bzr mkdir test
> $bzr rename test test.renamed
> $bzr rename test.renamed test
> The last command results in an error (see stacktrace below).
> Is this a known bug?

I don't think this is a known bug, though it's a bit like some bugs we
thought we fixed in 1.18.  (Are you really running 1.18final? From the
ppa?)  Please file it.  Is that script alone enough to reproduce it in
an otherwise empty tree?

Martin <>

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