RFC: Home page design

Dennis Benzinger Dennis.Benzinger at gmx.net
Wed Sep 9 20:29:59 BST 2009


Am 09.09.2009 14:38, Emma Jane Hogbin schrieb:
> [...]
> For this round of feedback could you please address the following points:
> 1. Do you prefer the extended navigation (bottom of the page) in "960
> width" or "full width" design?

I prefer the extended navigation in the same width as the rest of the page.

> 2. The yellow "action" panes are based on the initial wireframes. They
> are: Download, Extend, Get Help. Are they the right "actions" for the
> front page of the site?

Mostly yes. But where does Extend link to? If it's the same as
Contribute in the top and bottom navigation then name it Contribute. If
not, then the two pages Extend and Contribute could probably be merged
because they are too similar.

> 3. The new icons are based on the logo. Staying with the road
> sign/construction theme, are there images you would prefer to see for
> each of the action buttons?

Maybe the extend action could use a construction site sign (person with

> 4. Additional constructive comments?
> [...]

- The text in the extended navigation is too light. Please make it darker.

- Too many parts of the site use a colored background with a color
gradient. I'd prefer more plain look.

- Use consistent wording in the different navigation areas. E.g. Get
Help (action pane) vs. Support (extended navigation)

Dennis Benzinger

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