[RFD] Milestone usage (Re: [Bug 422849] Re: Incorrect conversions in 2.0rc1 and bzr.dev)

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Mon Sep 7 03:49:47 BST 2009

2009/9/7 Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net>:
>> My evidence for this, beyond a general impression, is
>> 1- they're called BugTasks, ie the task of fixing the bug
> When we create a bug we get a 'BugTask' created and linked to the
> Product table directly; tasks on a series are the same as tasks on a
> product in that sense. So yes, they are there to track the work put into
>  fixing the bug - but often a bug will be essentially a wishlist item
> for a long time.

If you mean "I wish this was fixed it 2.0" then "yes, but".  Firstly
the approval for backport nomination is meant to prevent unrealistic
wishes accumulating.  But we will probably still get many bugs that
are realistic to fix in a stable series, but that don't yet have
anyone working on them.

I guess the question is, who would want to look at the series bug
list?  I don't think the rm should generally be looking at it to
decide whether to make a new release, though they might look at it to
decide *whether* enough has changed there to make a new bugfix
release.  It might also be useful for someone who feels like doing
some stable-bugfix work but who doesn't have particular bugs in mind.

I've barely used series in malone and they've probably changed, so I
think we just need some more experience with how this plan works and
what bugs we might run into.  I'm talking to wgrant at the moment on
irc about this.

Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>

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