Any plans/needs to extend the fast-import format?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Wed Sep 2 04:34:40 BST 2009

Sverre Rabbelier writes:
 > Heya,
 > On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 21:47, Ian
 > Clatworthy<ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
 > > The current alternative is to do the sort of thing that
 > > Monotone's fast-export tool does: append metadata as name:value lines
 > > onto the end of the commit message. That's pretty gross IMO.
 > Why? The commit message is free form, and under control of the export
 > tool.

Note that there's a third alternative, which is using tag objects to
store the extra metadata.  With an appropriate naming convention, the
tag name can be computed from the object it points to.  The tags could
even be kept somewhere other than refs/tags (although that would lead
to the risk of them being garbage-collected) to avoid polluting the
tag namespace.

This would satisfy those who worry that the metadata in commit
messages is ugly.

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