users overservations on the plugin handling

timmichelsen at timmichelsen at
Tue Aug 25 09:28:23 BST 2009

> > I am not a frequent reader of this list. What about putting up a
> blieprint
> > on this?
> So you can certainly add to those blueprints if you want, but I think
> generally speaking writing blueprints is not a good way to get things
> moving.  Writing code is best.  
Well, sorry. This is beyond my reach as I have to work on other projects.
I'd be happier to stay an active user.

I have created a humble interface to bzr for Sphinx (Python Documentation). Simple.

> Rehashing things that have already
> been discussed is not so good.  Perhaps we need something that's not
> quite a blueprint but rather a wishlist, in which users can make sure
> their ideas are covered.
Please agree on a way you want to gather the ideas and I will be happy to send them in. Ian seems to like Blueprints.
Another ideas may be a wiki page on the bzr website...

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