Case sensitivity

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Aug 31 15:17:33 BST 2009

>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> writes:

    bialix> Vincent Ladeuil пишет:
    >>>>>>> "LD" == Larry Drews <ldrewsNOSPAM at> writes:
    LD> Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote in news:h7ggaf$b4h$1
    >> >>     >> Actually bzr has very good support for renames,
    >> and if you treat change     >> of case as rename (even
    >> implicit) and you commit this rename explicitly,     >> then
    >> there is no history hell as you describe it.
    >> I thought we had some support for that, I even say Mark Hammond
    >> worked pretty hard in that area, am I misremembering or did a
    >> patch to that effect never land ?

    bialix> IIUC Mark's patch to fix `bzr add wRonGcASe.txt` has landed. IIUC
    bialix> it was only one patch to improve this are, and very valuable
    bialix> nevertheless. Although it was easiest piece of the "puzzle"
    bialix> because add command has luxury to filter its arguments till they
    bialix> hit dirstate.

Thanks for helping my failing memory. 

Then I fail to understand how the same file (modulo the case) can
be added then, shouldn't that patch guard against that ?

Or is there some other scenario I miss here ? 

Or did Larry used different branches that he later merge ?


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