bzr 1.18 source frozen

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Tue Aug 25 10:44:08 BST 2009

>>>>> "martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:

    martin> The source for bzr 1.18 has now been frozen.  It's in
    martin> as a tarball, in
    martin> lp:~mbp/bzr/prepare-1.18 and currently with pqm to be tested into
    martin> lp:bzr/1.18

Just to give a quick update on the buildbot test farm:

- we have a green status for hardy, jaunty, karmic, OSX/tiger,
  OSX/leopard for quite a few days now,

- the windows installers are also built with some warnings) for
  dev/dev and dev/release.

- the windows tests have been temporarily suspended pending some
  more appropriate setup.

Today, we had a regression caught by one slave without paramiko
installed: a refactored test failed to update some imports that
led to a failure on hosts without paramiko (minor and trivial to

As they say: all is well, keep sleeping, the buildbot is watching :-)

A few things have changed in the botnet:

- the public access is read-only,

- the ability to force builds is available on private server for
  registered devs only and the builds can be made for branches
  under lp:~bzr/bzr/,

As usual, all feedback is welcome,


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