Starting Bazaar Explorer

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue Aug 25 08:04:09 BST 2009

Martin Pool пишет:
> 2009/8/25 Maritza Mendez <martitzam at>:
>> Hi Russel.  I use bzr-explorer so much, one of the first things I did was
>> set up a Quick Launch shortcut on the taskbars of both my WindowsXP and
>> Ubuntu environments.  I grabbed the official bzr icon for both of them,
>> since the Bazaar Explorer icon has small features which don't scale great..
>> It might be a nice touch if the packaged versions for each platform
>> eventually offer to create shortcuts, and I suspect that will happen
>> someday.  I don't know about MacOS.
> It would be nice if it had a .desktop file so it appeared in the menu
> and gnome-do etc.  It's easy to steal from some other program.

I see there is one in bzr-gtk for Olive and other commands.
I'll try to steal it.

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