Call for testing: cvs2bzr

Michael Haggerty mhagger at
Thu Aug 20 22:48:17 BST 2009

Greg Ward wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Michael Haggerty<mhagger at> wrote:
>> What would be the deadline to get into karmic?  It would be nice if the
>> new and improved cvs2hg were included in release 2.3.0, if that is at
>> all realistic.
>> Greg?  Do you have any idea of an ETA for cvs2hg?
> But seriously: I've paused active development to concentrate on
> sending you patches because 1) I don't want to drift too far from
> upstream, 2) I really need to concentrate on the actual CVS conversion
> I'm doing at work, and 3) cvs2hg in its current form appears to be
> mostly good enough.  At any rate it is correct, performs adequately,
> and is (mostly) well-behaved in its memory usage.  IOW, once we get my
> patches integrated into your tree, I'd be happy to see cvs2hg go out
> in a real release.

What kind of time scale are we talking about for you to submit the
patches?  Days?  Weeks?  (Not that I can promise to review them
immediately :-( )

> There are still things I'd like to do, though:
> [...]
>   * take a stab at making get_source_groups() guess the "best fit"
> parent revision of a fixup (which will benefit cvs2git and cvs2bzr as
> well)

I think that it already returns the suggested parent revisions in
approximate best-to-worst order, measured by how many file revisions can
be taken from each suggested parent.  (Of course, the ordering itself
affects the results because some file revisions could probably be taken
from multiple parents.  So it greedily picks the best parent, using it
for as many file revisions as possible, then the second best, etc.)  Do
you have ideas for doing better?

> Oh yeah, I need to write some docs too.  I've started
> (, but that should
> really be www/cvs2hg.html, right?

Yes, user docs should exist as command help + man page (both generated
by the main cvs2hg script from the optparse options) and as the web page
www/cvs2hg.html.  Technical notes, not intended for users, can go into


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