bzr-svn: Pushing existing BZR to new SVN repo.

Tom Widmer tom.widmer at
Wed Aug 19 11:15:55 BST 2009

Eric Berry wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 1:17 AM, Martin Pool <mbp at 
> <mailto:mbp at>> wrote:
>     2009/8/16 Eric Berry <elberry at <mailto:elberry at>>:
>      > Hello,
>      >     I have a local bzr branch which I need to store in svn as
>     well. I've
>      > already created a svn repo to house it, but when I try to push
>     the branch to
>      > svn, it says that the branches have diverged, and I need to
>     merge. I can't
>      > seem to figure out the right merge parameters, as I get an error
>     specifying
>      > that the two branches don't have a common ancestor, and none of the
>      > revisions I use work.
>     Normally if there is no ancestry in common then doing
>      bzr merge -r 0..
>     will force it.
> I'm not quite sure where to do this from.
> I've tried merging the svn repo into my local branch using -r 0. I've 
> also tried checking out the svn repo locally, and merging my local bzr 
> branch into it. Both result in a "nothing to do" message.
> If I do the second one without the -r 0, I get this error:
> bzr: ERROR: Prefix missing for branches/PluginDeveloper; please create 
> it before pushing.

You don't literally mean -r 0 do you? Martin said -r 0..
The .. is important (it means 0 onwards, not just 0, which would be a 


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