Benchmark: Git, Hg 1.3.1, Bzr 1.17

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at
Tue Aug 18 10:36:26 BST 2009

Robert Collins <robertc at> writes:

> Jari, can you try this for the bzr setup:
> bzr init-repo --2a --no-trees
> bzr init trunk
> bzr checkout --lightweight trunk working
> # do stuff in working
> bzr branch ../trunk ../newbranch; bzr switch newbranch # this is 'clone'
> # do more stuff in working

Tested and added to the test script. Indeed branching is quite fast (See *).

But that seems like very complex setup for regular users. Compared to
straighforward "hg branch NAME" and "git branch NAME".

I've updated the data[1] in this respect:

    Kernel 2.6.30 import
                                                                    Shard repo
                                                                    + --lightweight
                    Git     Hg 1.3.1        Bzr 1.17 --2a
    init            0,03            0,05            0,90     0,90 |  1,50
1   add             26,00           1,80            5,50     5,50 |  6,20
    commit          0,60            51,00           55,00    53,00| 62,00

    ...continue with 2.6.29 patch, 7552 files

                    Git     Hg 1.3.1        Bzr 1.17 --2a         Bzr vs. Hg
                                                                          (% bigger)[2]
    --------------------------------------------------------------+------ -------------
2   add             6,30            0,50            3,00    3,5   |  3,50 600
    commit          0,50            28,00           37,00   24,00 | 25,00 -11
    log             0,01            0,13            0,17    0,19  |  0,20  54
*   branch          0,01            0,10            -       -     |  0,50 400
    clone           49,00           40,00           71,00   71,00 | 71,00  78

Boths "add" commands (1, 2) in Bzr are less than Hg's.

Concerning the "2.6.29 patch" data, by using the latest
shared-repo/lightweight/switch, Bzr is in average:

    - 224% slower (all rows)
    - 140% slower than Hg (if we ignore 'add' row value 600%)
    - 40% slower (if we ignore 'add' and 'branch' rows)

Presumed I calculated the values correctly in editgrid. Please spot
errors if you see any.


[2] Formula for "How much Y is bigger than X": (Y - X) / X * 100
    X = Hg
    Y = Bzr

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