Bazaar crash due to corrupt sha-1

Guido Ostkamp bazaar at
Wed Aug 12 18:07:50 BST 2009

On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> In our current trunk, "bzr init-repo ." still creates an old format 
> repo. We're about to change the default format but haven't yet.
> Try
>  bzr init-repo --2a .

Thanks for the hint.

I retried with format 2a and again produced 2 cases where Bazaar crashed
during the conversion.

Case 1 is an 'out-of-memory' condition when using 1-pass run, case 2 is a 
parsing error in some of the converted files created during 2-pass run.

Please find the details at the end of



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