2.0 upgrade experiences
Neil Martinsen-Burrell
nmb at wartburg.edu
Tue Aug 11 22:20:26 BST 2009
I'm looking to get my branches and repositories upgraded to the 2a
format before the school year starts, so I'm trying to follow
doc/en/upgrade-guide.txt for my setup. I just wanted to share a couple
of experiences so that this process can continue to get more
streamlined. I will just post my comments on what I run into along with
numerous questions.
All of the following is using bzr-1.18rc1 installed from the tarball
with Python 2.5.2 on Ubuntu Hardy.
1. Running ``bzr check`` in a standalone branch that was originally in
format 1.9 gives me a load of output like:
Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT',
'svn-v2:1179 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463-')}
Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT',
'nmb at wartburg.edu-20090417201757-chtr18w6ddnpcal3')}
Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT',
'nmb at quaggy.local-20071106145233-vr33wd75mx91n97l')}
Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT',
'svn-v2:724 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463-')}
Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT',
'nmb at wartburg.edu-20071109170840-o838ndsrs1prwl1m')}
Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT',
'nmb at wartburg.edu-20071115142153-pkeip1evaq353ubc')}
checked branch file:///labhome/nmb/repos/career/ format Branch format 7
It is not clear from ``bzr help check`` whether or not a missing
inventory for the tree root "indicates a problem". Going ahead with the
upgrade (since I have a full backup, I feel free to try it) gives me a
branch in which ``bzr check`` runs cleanly. Are these missing
inventories an error? When are they an error? The upgrade
documentation or the check help should indicate this more clearly.
2. The space savings is not as big as my wildest dreams (This is a
standalone branch, even though the parent directory is called "repos".)
nmb at rameses[~/repos/career]$ du -sk .
6848 .
nmb at rameses[~/repos/career]$ du -sk ../../repos.bak/career
7028 ../../repos.bak/career
When I thought that a pack operation might clear up additional space, I
got the following error:
nmb at rameses[~/repos/career]$ bzr pack
bzr: ERROR: Pack '6ffbb186d5539f27e54609f64e5fb92e' already exists in
<bzrlib.repofmt.groupcompress_repo.GCRepositoryPackCollection object at
Is that error serious? Does it mean that I cannot pack this branch
further? Are there obsolete packs still sitting around somewhere? Can
these be gotten rid of somehow? This suggests that the space savings
could be quite a bit larger:
nmb at rameses[~/repos/career]$ du -sk .bzr/repository/obsolete_packs/
2260 .bzr/repository/obsolete_packs/
What processes can be used to empty out these obsolete packs? When is
that process safe?
3. In a different branch, ``bzr check`` tells me that I have "sha1
nmb at rameses[~/repos/software]$ bzr check
Checking working tree at '/labhome/nmb/repos/software'.
Checking branch at 'file:///labhome/nmb/repos/software/'.
Checking repository at 'file:///labhome/nmb/repos/software/'.
checked repository <bzrlib.transport.local.LocalTransport
url=file:///labhome/nmb/repos/software/> format <RepositoryFormatKnitPack6>
189 revisions
677 file-ids
Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT',
'svn-v2:245 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463-')}
[...many, many more of the same...]
Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT',
'svn-v2:243 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463-')}
sha1 mismatch:
('svn-v2:1099 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463--software%2fIPChange%2fbuild%2fIPChange.app%2fContents%2fResources%2flib%2fpython2.5%2fsite.py',
'svn-v2:1099 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463-') has sha1
793c6808e6057fe40c2d99e35aec4e3d347b98a5 expected
da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 referenced by
svn-v2:1099 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463-
[...more of the same...]
sha1 mismatch:
('svn-v2:1099 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463--software%2fIPChange%2fbuild%2fIPChange.app%2fContents%2fResources%2flib%2fpython2.5%2fconfig',
'svn-v2:1099 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463-') has sha1
013734b9cc010c4a77db9af6348141908d0dfc7b expected
da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 referenced by
svn-v2:1099 at 8f9f66e6-09d4-0310-8052-96bf1e615463-
checked branch file:///labhome/nmb/repos/software/ format Branch format 7
As suggested in the upgrade docs, I ran ``bzr reconcile`` which
completed successfully, but the output of ``bzr check`` was unchanged.
Again, proceeding will-he-nill-he with a conversion (``bzr upgrade
--2a``) provides a branch that stills has the same "sha1 mismatch"
errors. How does one go about fixing these SHA1 errors? What will be
the future impact of them? How did they get in there? (This branch is
a bzr-svn conversion of part of an old SVN repository.)
4. The progress bar for upgrade goes 70% of the way to finished
immediately and then takes all of its time working on "Copying content
into repository.:Transferring revisions". Is there any way to make the
progress on the progress bar corrspond more nearly to the time that
various parts of the process actually take?
5. Standalone branches are much easier to upgrade than those living in
shared repositories. Shared repositories for me can rapidly get quite
large. My worst case is the ~/src/bzr directory on my main development
machine where I have a shared repository that I intended for my various
bzr.dev working branches that live in that directory. As things have
gone on, I've branched the trunks for all of my plugins into that shared
repository (using symlinks in ~/.bazaar/plugins), as well as started a
couple of Bazaar-related projects of my own in that directory (thus
using the same shared repository). It's over 30k revisions, while no
one branch that lives there has over 5000 revisions. As we move forward
with the 2.0 series, I hope that shared repository usage and policy will
be back on the table, because a single repository that large is taking a
*long* time to check before even starting an upgrade.
Also around shared repositories, ``bzr check`` checks the branches
within that subdirectory when run at the repository level (prior to
upgrading the repository). Does this mean that I don't need to run
check again when I am converting each branch in the following step?
Also for shared repositories, I find myself doing an unreasonable amount
of "for branch in `ls`; do bzr <something> $branch; done". Can we
create a sensible recursive policy for this upgrade process? Check is
already recursive. Should upgrade be?
Overall, I'm pleased with the upgrade process and the smooth rhythm of
$ bzr check # WT... oh well
$ bzr upgrade --2a
but I think that more effort needs to go into documentation and error
reporting so that the process is self-explanatory for the large part.
Just another data point...
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