An un-tapped benefit of Bazaar over the other DVCS's?

Mark Williamson maw48 at
Wed Aug 12 14:23:13 BST 2009

On Wednesday 12 August 2009 04:06:09 Inky 788 wrote:
> I was watching a talk online about Git (maybe the one by Randal S.?)
> and I'm pretty sure the point was clearly made that Git tracks changes
> in *content* rather than changes in individual files.
> It may be that Mercurial does the same thing. Not sure.

Mercurial tracks changes to files as a revlog, so it is a file-oriented format 
(presumably analogous to bzr, though I'm not familiar with its format) rather 
than a content-oriented format like git has.


> The point was also made that, due to this particular feature, it might
> not be very beneficial to use Git for putting your `/etc` or your home
> dir under version control -- since the files don't really have
> anything to do with eachother as a whole.
> If Bazaar is different than this, and if it would work well for
> putting `/etc` or `~` under VC, you might mention that fact on the
> BzrVsGit and BzrVsHg pages (linked to from
> <>).

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