RFC Summary: Home page wireframe

Martin Albisetti argentina at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 19:41:55 BST 2009

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Emma Jane<emmajane at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Although I've kept the same shape for the wireframe, I've revised the text of
> what goes into the boxes (some links are removed, some are new).

I can't help but feel that we need a little bit of Occam's razor here,
and cut down on some content.
Maybe it will come from when the graphic designers get their hands on
it, but I think we should plan on what to drop. I feel it looks pretty
busy for a homepage.
I realize you may not be able to make that call, but someone has to  :)

> Emma's Next steps:
> 1. Create a Bazaar branch *or* Wiki page that includes an editable version of
> the front page text. I'd like to have a single source for text, but it doesn't
> matter to me which tool is used.

I think a wiki is the easiest for now.

> 2. Pass the wireframes to the designers.

I'll get on it.


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