Https and proxy support in urllib2
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Mon Aug 10 17:15:44 BST 2009
Hash: SHA1
Maritza Mendez wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at
> <mailto:stephen at>> wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel writes:
> > Of course, if they are capable of installing the latest bzr, they are
> > probably equally capable of installing a newer version of python.
> FVO capable = have an Internet connection.
> FVO capable = can get approval from boss/IT/NSA, there's actually
> quite high probability of getting the app they need by itself, but not
> if it involves an upgrade or multiple installs of supporting software.
> I have no personal experience of having a requisition denied or
> delayed for such reasons, but this is something that comes up over and
> over again on python-dev. From credible sources, not just whiners, too.
> Adding my $0.02... This is a real issue in some workplaces.
> Fortunately, I'm able to give all of my team-members (not just
> developers) local admin on their own Windows boxes. But other places I
> have worked are super-strict about this (much to the detriment of
> productivity). So the discussion in this thread, though painful to the
> bzr dev's, is valuable to users.
> ~M
So... if we allow people to install bzr without admin rights, they can
install python without admin rights.
I agree that it is slightly harder to install python than just bzr. I
can also agree that getting approval to upgrade one program (bzr) is
easier than getting agreement to upgrade a system tool (python).
However, both support local installs, and I think the number of people
that do have access to the "newest" version of bzr but not the "newest"
version of python is fairly low. (Not 0, but low.)
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