[rfc] six-month stable release cycles

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Fri Jul 31 06:13:58 BST 2009

Stephen J. Turnbull пишет:
> Robert Collins writes:
>  > I suggest "next" rather than beta. It has the same connotation of 'not
>  > the stable release', but for me isn't a negative label, whereas beta is.
> Please don't do that.  You can fool some of the people some of the
> time, of course, but if you don't use the standard terminology sane
> people will be suspicious of a marketroidery.  And they'd be right.
> As it is, users and developers of projects related to bazaar are
> always at risk of being seriously surprised (Russell Winder and
> Alexander B come to mind as being vocally surprised types :-).  

I suppose you talk about me. I'm surprised, err, again! :-)

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