metronome mail for Bazaar 2.0 (or 1.18) - 6 August
Martin Pool
mbp at
Fri Jul 24 22:47:24 BST 2009
2009/7/24 Russel Winder <russel.winder at>:
> On Fri, 2009-07-24 at 13:31 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> [ . . . ]
>> We won't slip this release, but depending on testing feedback we may
>> defer general recommendation of 2a until we're sure it's stable, in
>> which case this release will be called 1.18.
>> Launchpad used the 2a format for their recent source release, which
>> had many downloads and apparently hit few problems, other than
>> identifying excessive memory usage when branching.
> One anecdotal data point: I have now converted all my branches to 2a
> and I have seen only smaller branches and faster performance. Apart
> from the occasional glitch with pushing to Launchpad (solved by
> upgrading the Launchpad branch to 2a) I have not seen any problems, 2a
> seems fine to me.
> I guess another interesting date is the cut-off date for Karmic --
> should it have the last in the 1.x series or the first in the 2.x
> series.
I think regarding Karmic the single most important point is to have a
bzr in there that can read the 2a formats and therefore interoperate
with other ones released over the next months or year. It looks like
we'll also want an inventory delta based bundle, which was not in
1.17, but should be in 1.18 - I don't know if that will be into Karmic
or not.
There's a related point here of getting new releases to people on old
Ubuntu releases - the majority stick with the one that was originally
released. I think changing it underneath them, if they're not
specifically wanting an upgrade and expecting the version will be
stable across their team, may be unwelcome. But having it in
ubuntu-backports so that it can be fairly easily installed from an
official source would be good. Any thoughts?
Martin <>
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